The RD-RatioDiagnostics E-TXM-K19 Toxoplasma IgM Elisa is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit that provides material for the detection of IgM class antibodies against Toxoplasma Gondi in human serum or plasma. This assay is designed for in vitro use only.
Toxoplasmosis is caused by an infection with the intracellular protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma Gondi. A form of the disease acquired congenitally. Toxoplasmosis can result in severe malformation of the central nervous system or perinatal mortality.
Other forms of the disease range from chronic, Asymptomatic Toxoplasma infection to ocular infection and disseminated cerebral toxoplasmosis in adults. Toxoplasmosis can be serious in people with immune deficiencies and newborns infected in utero. Individuals undergoing immunosuppressive therapies and people with immune disorders are at significant risk for severe toxoplasmosis, which can be fatal.
The Toxoplasma IgM assay is based on the principle of capturing these immunoglobulins and subsequent identification of those, which are specific, making use of its ability to bind to a peroxidase-conjugated antigen. Capture is done by monoclonal antibodies bound to the solid phase (microtiter strips). The antigen is composed of purified and inactivated Toxoplasma Gondi antigen.